
Tuesday 11 January 2011


Question 7 Front Cover Annotated

The difference is quite massive and obvious between my final piece and my preliminary. Within the time I finished the preliminary and making my final piece, I learnt much more conventions hence the quantity of conventional text and information on my final piece unlike my preliminary where only the most basic conventions such as masthead and headlines are placed. The amount of photographs is less in my final but the effect is much better because of how I posed my models and the full body shot I used. When I took the photos for my preliminary task, I was not quite sure of the shots to use and how to capture the perfect mise-en-scenes. After learning the rule of third in photography, I applied it to my front cover so that the image isn’t symmetrical therefore looked more busy.

Question 7 Contents Page Annotated

My two contents pages are very different to each other in style and use of conventions. My preliminary task was based on one main image with text and information working around it using a method similar to scrapbooking. My final piece is a lot more sophisticated, aimed at a more mature and serious readership. The layout for my final piece is in a more organised layout with more conventions and details.

Sunday 9 January 2011


Please click on the image to see it larger.

After posting this, I started to use a few more new programmes.

- Scribd is a brilliant and free way of uploading your word documents and pdf files online to view as well as allowing embedding.
- Photobucket is a long-running photo uploading website, free and easy to use and also much more advanced since I last used it which was a pleasant surprise.


Some of the cons of the software were:
2. Flickr unfortunately only allows the free users 500mb uploading storage a month and limited 2 video uploads per month. Due to this, I resorted to use other photo uploading websites.
5. Prezi is brilliant in its own way though it does take more than a beginner to fully utilise all its excellent features, especially as it constantly updates.
8. Slideshare allows you to view the powerpoint slide though it doesn’t enable other features of powerpoint such as sound and animations.
10. I later realised Jing was not uploadable and only free to share in the Jing network so ultimately, I did not use the program. I later had to record the script and place it in a video then uploading it to Flickr.


I have seen a gap in the market for music magazines that there is no music magazine for unsigned music for young adult/teen readers, more specifically into my music genre of acoustic, indie, pop punk and soft rock. This means I would have less competition if I was to publish this magazine.

Referring back to my reader profile, my target audience is the students of a medium range of 19 years old. This meant that the magazine has to have a lot of aspects that will attract a teenager willing to spend their money on the magazine. Bold colours and fonts are one of my features I used mainly to attract the readers’ eyes as well as many photos of ‘musicians’ the same age as them which they can relate to. The reader profile was created so I could make my own ideal reader.

When I posted my survey monkey results and analysed them, I realised that red & purple were the majority’s favourite colours hence decided the house colours. The research also revealed that my audience prefer a modern and sleek layout which I followed onto with my contents page.  



My ideal reader                                              
This is Daisy. She is 18 and just entered university for Performing Arts. At the moment, she is lacking money for survival needs as she likes to go out partying with friends, just like any student. She takes her iPod with her anywhere she goes and has loaded at least 2000 songs onto her iPod. Daisy is too lazy to goto music stores to buy the CD covers so she downloads music from her laptop. Although she tries to download legally, it is hard to get all the music she wants as songs are not cheap when you buy a lot of them. Sometimes Daisy goes on sharing files websites to download the latest tracks or a band she recently discovers. Daisy is crazed with going to gigs and concerts (when she can afford it) and always buys the merchandise like the wristsbands and band tee shirts. To keep up with the current flow of fashion trends, she also goes to stores like Superdry and Hollister to get the hoodies and shirts she needs. To keep a tiny flow of money in to afford this, she has a part-time job when she is not studying for her uni course. Daisy can't drive yet so she takes the public transport like bus and train and she reads the latest magazines like NOM to see the new bands sprouting. If Daisy sees a band she likes, she'll google or youtube the band to listen to their music and see if its worth downloading. This cycle is endless for Daisy because she loves music.

The reader profile is what I rely on to imagine my target audience, to understand what they would like and dislike.




Tuesday 7 December 2010


Features Page Backup Plan2


Features Page


Contents Page Final2


Front Cover

Monday 6 December 2010



This post includes slideshows of all the photographs I took for this project.

Sunday 5 December 2010


Photography front cover
These are a few photos I plan to use for my front cover


Annotation of Front Cover Flatplan NOTE: Unfortunately Scribd has compressed my notes about the skyline slightly so here is what it says: A convention often used to feature  artist - stands out easily as it becomes a seperate part of the cover. I plan to use the skyline for my slogan.


Before creating our own front cover, we studied different types of front pages such as Q and Vibe. Their use of conventions are different to their own to suit their target audience and genre of music. We also discussed the general conventions most magazine companies use on their front covers such as a central image, masthead, barcodes, busswords, lures and headings.

Saturday 4 December 2010


Photography contents page
This powerpoint presentation shows you some of the photos I used to create the contents page

This slideshare is a continuation of photos I took for the contents page


When I approached the stage to actually design and create the contents page, I decided to make some changes in the layout fittingly so everything would fit and look good. Now, the text/information is on the right and the main image has been split into four large images. I believe with those two changes, the contents page look more attractive than planned.


Features page

After presenting my powerpoint to my class, I asked my fellow students to give me their opinion of it. I created a table of results on Microsoft Word and then uploaded online.
Pitching Features Page Audience Feedback


Today, I went to take some photographs that may be useful for my music magazine features page.

Later, we experimented with colour lighting with purple and red, following the house colours.


After taking the photographs, I went on the computer and used the software Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos. Below are some examples and I am pleased with many of them. I hope I may use some of them in my music magazine at one point.


Annotated Features Page Flat Plan


I created my first flatplan for the double page spread features page on Serif PagePlus 11.

Please click on image to enlarge.

However, because of implications of the choice of photo (and because of the pose not suitable for the above flatplan), the amount of text to be placed on the features page, I changed the features page slightly. I decided to stay with the most conventional layout with image on the left and text on the right design.

Friday 3 December 2010


Please click on image to enlarge

I plan to create my brand identity with my house colours of purple and red, and my masthead logo which will appear on the folio as well as the front cover. I will also be using a majority of sans-serif typefaces with only a few exceptions for serif fonts.

Thursday 2 December 2010


Tuesday 9 November 2010


I have decided my music magazine was to fill a gap in the current music industry. I have not generally seen any magazines that features unsigned bands therefore I will base my magazine on talented musicians that are still 'making it there'. Music has always been very popular with the youths of any generation so I believe this market will be a very good opportunity.
Ultimately, the magazine will be for young adults and teenagers who are interested in a niche music genre. The magazine is to aid those who wants to get a record label signed as well as a massive print-based forum for the musicians to communicate to each other as well sharing common interests. I also think the magazine idea would be good as the young generation of today are less interested in reading so publishing a magazine like this encourage them to read more.

The aim will generally to be featuring unsigned bands but there will be features and reviews done by successful artists that relates to the music genre which I have not decided yet.


print scren suvey
write underneath why you produced this questionnaire and what yu have discovered from this reserach

Although we have collected data from the questionnaire I handed out previously, I decided to use  so gain more information from my target audience. SurveyMonkey a very useful website which allows you to create surveys and ask the digital world questions. Using SurveyMonkey is faster and favoured as it is done virtually and requires no printing paper or asking people to get a pen out to fill in the questions. Not only that, SurveyMonkey allows you to spread the word by using Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and other popular social networks.


Before creating my reader profile I went on to look at other music magazine reader profiles to investigate what well-known magazines' readerships are like. NME and UNCUT had a similar sense of style and music but UNCUT was a more classic music magazine whilst NME was more modern.

I have decided to call my magazine name Notions of Music (NOM). This is because 'nom' is modern slang for teenagers and young people for the sound of eating. It is used not only for eating but in general talk for my target audience. Due to this fact, it is quite fitting to use this acronym so that my target audience have something to relate with and find it quite amusing. Of course, what NOM stands for has to be authentic. 'Notions of Music', basically translates to the 'ideas of music'. I think this was a good title as my magazine is supposedly made about unsigned artists and bands so new ideas about music are gathered. The logo I created shows a purple strip going across the motif to represent the (main) house colour. It is a simple logo that is sleek and modern which is what my target audience preferred when I did my SurveyMonkey.

Saturday 6 November 2010


Now that we have completed our Preliminary Task of creating pages of a school magazine, we have done a questionnaire asking 15 people about general ideas about music and how they use it as well as music magazines. This is so that I am preparing to create my final task.

What age group do you fit in?
14 and under: 0
15-18: 12
19-22: 2
23-25: 0
26-29: 0
30+: 1
This question is very important as each age group generally enjoy different things and have different ideas. The amount of teenagers who filled in the questionnaire shows that the answers following, are generally based on what teenagers enjoy.

Are you male or female?
Male: 5
Female: 10
Another question that will help us understand who these answers will belong to. It shows that the majority of the people who filled in the questionnaire are female and therefore will affect the results of the questionnaire. Over 65% of most music magazines have male readers.
What is your occupation?
Student: 13
Full-time job: 1
Part-time job: 1
Having a majority of students as answers depicts what students generally prefer in music taste and the way of gaining music.

What type of genre do you enjoy listening to?
Any: 3
Rock: 6
Metal: 1
Pop: 2
RnB: 1
Indie: 2

Name your top five bands/artists
This has proven hard to analyse as every person who answered each had a very different taste in music, even within the same genre because each genre has several sub-genres in between and now artists are enthusiastic in creating interesting new sub-sub-genres. This only shows how big the music industry is and how it may grow infinitely into the future. Below are all the bands and artists that were mentioned.
Rammstein: 1     Bauhaus: 1    X-ray-spex: 1    Killing Joke: 1    Black Sabbath: 1
My Chemical Romance: 1    Enter Shikari: 1    Greenday: 3    Lost Prophets: 1
You Me At Six: 1    Boys Like Girls: 1    Einaudi: 1     Nickelback: 1    3 Doors Down: 1
Katy Perry: 4    Bruce Springstein: 1    The Wanted: 1    Robbie Williams: 1
Take That: 4    The Script: 6    Pixie Lott: 3    Fleetwood Mac: 1    Yellowcard: 1
Reliant K: 1    Matt Nathanson: 1    Motion City Soundtrack: 1    Linkin Park: 1
Dashboard Confessional: 1    The Beatles: 3    Counting Crew: 1    Something Corporate: 1
Train: 1    Maroon 5: 4    Cold Play: 1    Mika: 1    The Noisettes: 1    Billy Joel: 1
The Hoosiers: 1    Rolling Stones: 1    Rhianna: 2    Bruno Mars: 1    Beyonce: 5
Eminem: 2    JLS: 1    N-Dubz: 1    Tiny Tempa: 1    Avril Lavigne: 2
Marina and the Diamonds: 1    Ellie Goulding: 1    Lady Gaga: 1

When was the last time you bought a music CD?
A week ago: 2
2 weeks ago: 0
A month ago: 1
6 months ago: 2
1 year ago: 6
Over a year ago: 4

When was the last time you bought a music track?
This week: 5
Last Week: 3
2 weeks ago: 2
Last month: 2
6 months ago: 1
1 year ago: 1
Over a year ago: 1

When getting music, do you usually purchase music or use an alternate way to gain music?
Purchase: 8
Alternate: 7

Do you read music magazines? If yes, please state one or more magazines you read.
Yes: 4 -> Kerrang x3 and Metalhammer x1
No: 11

Do you read magazines in any genre? If yes, please state one or more magazines you read.
Yes: 5 -> Glammour/MarieClaire x1, Gossip x1, Look x1, Chemistry World x1, Grazia x1
No: 8

Do you prefer owning the music or using programs like Spotify?
Owning the music: 11
Using other programs to access music such as Spotify: 4

How do you listen to your music?
iPod: 7
Computer: 5
Phone: 1
MP3: 2

Friday 5 November 2010


In Typography, we were shown the ten commandants of typography in print based media (by Paul Felton.

Wednesday 3 November 2010


Front Cover:

In my evaluation, I decided my aim was to make the design as simple as possible to achieve the contemporary style. I also used black and white to give the page the cool and calm look and mixing my house colours blue and yellow to give the page an identity (brand identity).

The photographs I used were all taken by me with a digital camera for best quality and the editing was completed on Adobe Photoshop CS3 which professionally enhances the pictures to the best possible. The main image on my front cover is a student standing with a piece of paper. I created the mise-en-scene with the school garden with students there in the background to relate to the magazine as it is a school magazine. The use of direct mode of address allows the reader’s eye to meet with the image and gain interest.

The three photos I used on the side were images telling the reader what maybe included in the issue. The photos were all taken in school for the setting and relation to be real. I also tried to use different camera angles such as medium close up, extreme close up, long shot and extreme long shot.

The photos were blended into the black background by using Photoshop and adjusted if needed (lighting, colour..etc).

I decided to use sans-serif fonts to gain the best attention of readers as sans-serif typefaces are bold and informative. I designed the slogan and masthead to be mixed together to give a clever effect as I think the slogan is always printed in small. Having the masthead in the navy blue and the slogan then standing out in yellow whilst sitting on the masthead is a visual effect I created.

To improve this piece of work, I should have added anchoring to the images, explaining what they are and how they have relation to the magazine. I should have also considered adding lures and buzzwords to capture the reader’s attention better.

Contents Page
The use of visual effects played a big part to “colourising” my contents page, making it bright and attractive. I used Photoshop to add the typical image of a school, having a lot cartoon doodles and paint as well as the school’s initials “HGS” in the school/house colours.

I decided to revolve my contents page within one big photo. This meant that I placed my text and information where my image allowed it. In my case, I took a picture of two students standing by the stairs. The actual contents information would sit on the steps of the stairs and the ‘look out for…’ section would be where the image was too dark/no use. I had to take addition photos of models holding out their arms, grasping a piece of white A4 paper. This allowed me to use Photoshop to add on whatever text I desired on the ‘piece of paper’ they were holding.

Since the edited image produced eye-catching results, I had to make sure the text and information on my contents page had to stand out just as much. I made use of my house colours as yellow is a vibrant colour already. To enhance the results, I outlined the text with black and white creating a colourful effect. In addition, making my text stand in all capitals made them look bolder. I titled the text backwards attempting to create a 3-D effect rather than the text just floating on the steps. I also added shadows to the text to make it look as if it was standing on the steps.


School Prelim Contents Page


School Prelim Front Cover Copy


After researching several different school-related magazines, I can understand there are different magazines that can offer a variety of different things. However, they all have something in common: achievement and success. I hope that my preliminary task can give the same attention to detail when it comes to awards and accomplishments.


Brand Identity is a convention that is special to each magazine institute. To have a brand identity allows your readers to recognise your magazine specifically in an unique way. This is especially important as many media products, especially music magazines can become similar. To ensure the magazine's readership and new readers remember, a brand indentity is can be anything that is a specific aspect and special to their magazine only.

When creating a magazine, it is essential that a well built brand identity is created to guarantee readers to keep buying. A brand identity appears in every issue of the magazine, offering the readers their little piece of difference to reading. Brand identity should never be changed once set as it would confuse faithful readers or it might change the whole outlook of the magazine because one of the main points that people remember is changed.

Although the brand identity can be "anything that sells", it is usually something that relates to the magazine's target audience. House colours are one convention to emphasise brand recognition. By basing the brand identity on the target audience, the target audience can relate themselves to the magazine which would make it more likely for them to purchase the magazine again.

For example, if you base your house colours on the target audience's stereotype, you could use their favourite colours. If the stereotype was the scene "emo" type, you may link the colours to black and red as well as neon colours but you would also use grunge and quite dark imagery in the themes and layout throughout the magazine. Brand Identity is not only based on house colours. Typography, language style and use of images can also be brand identity.

Tuesday 2 November 2010



We have done a questionnaire asking 15 people about general ideas about music and how they use it as well as music magazines.

What age group do you fit in?
14 and under: 0
15-18: 12
19-22: 2
23-25: 0
26-29: 0
30+: 1

Are you male or female?
Male: 5
Female: 10

What is your occupation?
Student: 13
Full-time job: 1
Part-time job: 1

What type of genre do you enjoy listening to?
Amy: 3
Rock: 6
Metal: 1
Pop: 2
RnB: 1
Indie: 2

Name your top five bands/artists
This has proven hard to analyse as every person who answered each had a very different taste in music, even within the same genre because each genre has several sub-genres in between and now artists are enthusiastic in creating interesting new sub-sub-genres. This only shows how big the music industry is and how it may grow infinitely into the future. Below are all the bands and artists that were mentioned.
Rammstein: 1     Bauhaus: 1    X-ray-spex: 1    Killing Joke: 1    Black Sabbath: 1
My Chemical Romance: 1    Enter Shikari: 1    Greenday: 3    Lost Prophets: 1
You Me At Six: 1    Boys Like Girls: 1    Einaudi: 1     Nickelback: 1    3 Doors Down: 1
Katy Perry: 4    Bruce Springstein: 1    The Wanted: 1    Robbie Williams: 1
Take That: 4    The Script: 6    Pixie Lott: 3    Fleetwood Mac: 1    Yellowcard: 1
Reliant K: 1    Matt Nathanson: 1    Motion City Soundtrack: 1    Linkin Park: 1
Dashboard Confessional: 1    The Beatles: 3    Counting Crew: 1    Something Corporate: 1
Train: 1    Maroon 5: 4    Cold Play: 1    Mika: 1    The Noisettes: 1    Billy Joel: 1
The Hoosiers: 1    Rolling Stones: 1    Rhianna: 2    Bruno Mars: 1    Beyonce: 5
Eminem: 2    JLS: 1    N-Dubz: 1    Tiny Tempa: 1    Avril Lavigne: 2
Marina and the Diamonds: 1    Ellie Goulding: 1    Lady Gaga: 1

When was the last time you bought a music CD?
A week ago: 2
2 weeks ago: 0
A month ago: 1
6 months ago: 2
1 year ago: 6
Over a year ago: 4

When was the last time you bought a music track?
This week: 5
Last Week: 3
2 weeks ago: 2
Last month: 2
6 months ago: 1
1 year ago: 1
Over a year ago: 1

When getting music, do you usually purchase music or use an alternate way to gain music?
Purchase: 8
Alternate: 7

Do you read music magazines? If yes, please state one or more magazines you read.
Yes: 4 -> Kerrang x3 and Metalhammer x1
No: 11

Do you read magazines in any genre? If yes, please state one or more magazines you read.
Yes: 5 -> Glammour/MarieClaire x1, Gossip x1, Look x1, Chemistry World x1, Grazia x1
No: 8

Do you prefer owning the music or using programs like Spotify?
Owning the music: 11
Using other programs to access music such as Spotify: 4

How do you listen to your music?
iPod: 7
Computer: 5
Phone: 1
MP3: 2

Monday 11 October 2010


In class, we have been taught a variety of skills concerning media such as photography and typography. Photography, we were introduced several terms and differences of zoom (medium close up, low angle..etc) that might depict a certain meaning. We were given cameras and set in groups to spend 20 minutes taking photos around the school to experiment shots.

Sunday 10 October 2010


Friday 1 October 2010


These are two front covers (Rocksound and NME) that I anotated. They gave me a good idea of what two similar magazines have in difference. Rocksound looks like it is aimed at a slightly younger audience (majority of teens) than to NME (teens and adults). Although they are both quite similar, NME has a more clean, organised look, whereas Rocksound looks more cluttered in the sense that, not everything is placed so that it is evenly spread out. Their front images are also taken differently, NME has posted Paramore so that Hayley Williams, the main singer, also the only girl, to stand closer and in the middle of the page with the boys at the back. Rocksound has all 4 members standing together, with the more casual 'improvise' pose. Their shot is also more zoomed in than NME's.
