
Friday 1 October 2010


These are two front covers (Rocksound and NME) that I anotated. They gave me a good idea of what two similar magazines have in difference. Rocksound looks like it is aimed at a slightly younger audience (majority of teens) than to NME (teens and adults). Although they are both quite similar, NME has a more clean, organised look, whereas Rocksound looks more cluttered in the sense that, not everything is placed so that it is evenly spread out. Their front images are also taken differently, NME has posted Paramore so that Hayley Williams, the main singer, also the only girl, to stand closer and in the middle of the page with the boys at the back. Rocksound has all 4 members standing together, with the more casual 'improvise' pose. Their shot is also more zoomed in than NME's.



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